the pleasure of comfort at two steps from the Centre of Udine WELCOME the pleasure of comfort at two steps from the Centre of Udine WELCOME WELCOME the pleasure of comfort at two steps from the Centre of Udine HOTEL PRINCIPE BENVENUTI Gentili Ospiti, l'Art Hotel Udine, da Venerdì 13 Marzo, osserverà un breve periodo di chiusura. Siamo a Vostra disposizione telefonica e mail per future prenotazioni. Grazie.

Dear Guests, from Friday March 13th, the Art Hotel Udine shall close for a brief period. We are at your disposal for telephone information and mail reservation. Thanks.

Check availability now


The pleasure of silence is at home in this hotel! Tired after a day’s work and used by everyday to live with horns, traffic, hum and noise, we do not notice that silenceis becoming not only a requirement, but a real luxury to which we cannot give up.

The Hotel Principe Udine, always attentive to the needs of its customers, offers in an inner court with respect to the Avenue by which you access. That location, together with the presence of properly insulated rooms, provides great advantages in terms of soundproofing.

The hotel, ideal for the business man d ’ ’ as well as for tourists, is located in the Centre of Udine, close to the train station and the bus terminal (for the urban-suburban connection and regional airport).


  • 26 rooms
  • Wi-Fi free fiber
  • Breakfast buffet
  • Room service
  • Bar
  • TV lounge
  • Internal parking
  • About 12:0 am 12:0 am reception